The 5 Cringiest "Star Wars" Moments

May the fourth be with you indeed...

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

It's May 4th, which means Star Wars fans get to go all out today.

While the intergalactic space opera has spawned some of the greatest films, video games, toys, and lore in the sci-fi universe, fans of Star Wars have been forced over the years to balance their love of the series with its countless problematic moments. Whether it be the series' racial stereotypes or tokenizing of LGBTQ+ characters, there remains plenty to complain about.

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Film News

Is Sebastian Stan Leaving the MCU to Become Luke Skywalker?​

Fans have long hoped to see the Avenger actor play a young Luke Skywalker, but will they have to lose Bucky in order to see their wishes come true?

Sebastian Stan is the fan favorite to take up the role as Luke Skywalker in an upcoming Skywalker series.

Photo Credit: Disney

Late last year, Fandomwire released an exclusive report revealing that Disney+ was in the early developmental stages of a Luke Skywalker series, confirming many rumors circulating the internet that another young Luke story would be coming out.

Almost nothing is known about the project, but one thing is for sure: Fans are demanding that Sebastian Stan from Falcon and the Winter Soldier play Luke Skywalker.

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TV Reviews

"The Mandalorian" Fixes Star Wars | *FINALE REVIEW*

Warning | Spoilers ahead for The Mandalorian "Chapter 16: The Rescue"

The Mandalorian'ssecond season has been a light in an otherwise dreary year since its premiere in October.

Critics and fans of the series and of Star Wars in general have more or less unanimously praised the show this year for taking what audiences loved about the first season, improving and expanding on it. Nearly every episode was championed as "the best one yet" upon release, and the Season 2 finale will likely be no different.

This review contains major spoilers for The Mandalorian, Chapters 1-16.

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With only two more episodes left in the season, The Mandalorian kick-started the final narrative arc with an explosive new entry.

The Mandalorian "Chapter 14: The Tragedy" premiered Friday, December 4th on Disney+. We're going to breakdown and explain all the major moments in this episode as well as its implications for the future of Season 2 and the series as a whole. It's all spoilers from this point forward. Do yourself a favor, watch Season 2, Episode 6, and come back!

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Culture Feature

6 of the Best Comedy Bits Spawned from Donald Trump's Insanity

A tribute to the people who have made the last 500 years a little more bearable.

Donald Trump quotes said by Zapp Brannigan. Part 3!

With the election behind us, and the Trump team's spurious legal cases being thrown out of court left and right, it's beginning to look like America will finally be able to leave the Trump era behind.

As many problems as we are still going to face after January 20th, it's a relief to know that we will no longer have to think, "Oh, god, he's the president..." every time Donald Trump says or tweets something offensive, dangerous, or moronic.

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The Only Problem with "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker" Is the Lesbian Kiss at the End

And this has nothing to do with my personal hang-ups, so stop thinking that


Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

People will tell you a lot of bad things about Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker.

They'll say things like, "The pacing is jarring. It spends too much time undoing the events of the last movie, and has to cram its own action into rushed exposition that dominates the dialogue, and the sandwiching of multiple connected MacGuffins does not provide enough of a framework for a satisfying plot." Wrong.

The people who tell you this are allowing themselves to be distracted from the real issue. Yes, when I was watching the movie I thought many of the same things that you will read in these foolish reviews. What they are overlooking is that all of these problems—even the way J.J. Abrams erases death, undermining the stakes of the film entirely—could have been easily resolved in the mind of the audience if only we had not been distracted, in the film's final moments, by the lingering site of two women lovingly sharing a kiss. Disgusting.

This is what is ruining Star Wars! I've been saying it since 2015, along with every other cool guy on the internet. Not the way insane new force powers are magically introduced so that none of the strictures of storytelling apply anymore; the problem is the feminist SJW culture wars.

Imagine what amazing insights I would have had to come up with in order to reconcile the confusing mess I just watched with the conviction that it all actually makes sense and is a great movie. I probably would have uncovered hidden significance in the endless mundanity of moments that comprised The Rise of Skywalker's runtime. But instead I spent my whole night distracted and obsessing over the sight of two mouths mashing into each other, with a lady attached to each end. The horror of it kept me up all night, researching on dark corners of the internet.

If it had just been a flash on the screen, perhaps I could have chalked it up to a figment of my overactive imagination. I could have told myself that they had kissed each other by mistake, while attempting to walk past each other, toward their strong important husbands. Or maybe it was just a slender man with long hair kissing his teenage son. But no, they lingered on the shot of this lesbonic couple's physical manifestation of unholy lust for a full three seconds. That's longer than even Tom Brady kisses his children on the mouth.

How am I supposed to remove this image from where it's seared in my memory. Each time I close my eyes in the shower, I see it again. These are images too graphically sinful to watch in a room with the lights on or the door unlocked, yet I was watching them in a theater with children who probably intend to one day engage in kissing of their own. How are their parents supposed to explain what they witnessed?

And if they're fixated on that formidable task, how are they supposed to also explain why beads and helmets can teleport through space? How the force can heal all wounds and conjure spaceships from nothing? Or why normal people now have very convenient force hunches that arrive just in time to save the entire galaxy? If it weren't for that kiss, we all could have done it. But now we all have no choice but to be swallowed up by the hideous sarlacc mouth of two women's lips smooshing all over each other. Cruel fate.