Recently, a lot of people are trying out vegan diets, even people who would have laughed at the thought of trying it a few years ago. It's become more than just a trend, but an aspirational lifestyle change.

This is not just because of the many health and environmental benefits, but also because it's become more accessible for people to cut meat out, thanks to plant-based meal delivery services.

We've looked into it, and we discovered that the two most popular plant-based delivery services are Splendid Spoon and Revive Superfoods.

Our editors tried both to find out which was the ultimate vegan, superfood meal delivery service, here's what we found:

Key Similarities

  • Both are plant-based food delivery services
  • Both deliver foods right to your doorstep
  • Both have meals that contain lots of superfoods
  • Both offer smoothies, soups, and meals
  • Both are preservative-free
  • Both meals are heated in a microwave

Key Differences

  • Splendid Spoon smoothies arrive ready to drink, Revive's smoothies have to be blended
  • Splendid Spoon offers 60 meals altogether, Revive offers only 29 meals
  • Splendid Spoon offers extra Wellness Shots, Revive offers no extras
  • Splendid Spoon offers Noodle bowls, Revive doesn't
Splendid Spoon Overview

Splendid Spoon has 3 different plans, a Breakfast plan; a Breakfast, Lunch + 1-Day Soup Reset plan; and a Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner + 1-Day Soup Reset plan.

I signed up for the weekly Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner + 1 Day Reset, which means I get 5 smoothies, 5 soup & grain bowls, 5 noodles, and 5 light soups. I chose the meals I wanted, which was tough because there are 60 delicious and nutritious meals to choose from.

Looking at the ingredients, they were all packed with superfoods, some of which I'd never even heard of! (That's how I know it's healthy.) The delivery arrived in a few days and I placed all the meals in my fridge knowing that they would be good for a week.

I started the week off with the Raspberry Cacao Smoothie which was delicious and curbed my morning sweet tooth. I just grabbed it from the fridge, it came ready to drink, so no prep was needed. I was surprised at how filling it was. The Red Beet Buddha Bowl for lunch was delicious, it only needed a few minutes in the microwave, and it was ready.

The Creamy Butternut Squash Noodles for dinner were so tasty, I had to remind myself that I was eating healthy food! Overall the meals were all very satisfying, and the convenience of zero prep made eating plant-based meals a breeze. Some of my other fave meals were the Strawberry Goji smoothie, the Red Curry Noodles, and the Vegetable Bolognese Bowl, to name a few.

Revive Superfoods Overview

Revive Superfoods offer three plans; 9 cups a week, 12 cups a week, or 24 cups a week. I went with the 24 cups a week plan and selected the cups (meals) I wanted.

Again, for breakfast I choose smoothies. For lunch and dinner, I chose from their "Supermeals" (similar to Splendid Spoons grain bowls) and soups. They offer a wide selection of smoothies (16) but between their Super meals and soups there are only 9 cups, so I ended up adding the Artisan Bean & Tomato soup twice.

The box arrived in a few days and I was excited to see if it measured up to Splendid Spoon's deliciousness. First up I had the Heart Beet smoothie, the cup came with all the ingredients, which I had to blend in the blender myself. It was yummy and kept me satisfied for a while.

For lunch, I had the Carrot Ginger soup which was really good, then I had the Cauliflower Couscous SuperMeal for dinner. I'll be honest, at the end of the first day I was left a bit unsatisfied. Their SuperMeals and soups are perfect lunches, but for dinner, I crave something more substantial.

I continued for the rest of the week and found myself switching back to my old sugary cereal for breakfast because I didn't have the energy to make the smoothie and wash the blender afterward (I'm not a morning person).

Final Thoughts

At the end of trying both Splendid Spoon and Revive Superfoods, I'm sticking with Splendid Spoon.

If I'm going to be adding plant-based meals into my diet, it needs to be as easy and substantial as possible. In the morning I barely have the energy to get dressed, so blending the Revive smoothies and then washing the blender feels like a hassle (yes I am that lazy in the mornings). Drinking my Splendid Spoon smoothies as soon as I take them out of the fridge is the perfect way to start my day.

Splendid Spoon offers 15 smoothies, 30-grain bowls and soups, 8 noodle bowls, and 7 reset soups to choose from. Revive offers 16 smoothies, 6 SuperMeals (grain bowls), and 3 soups. I can see myself getting sick of having the same grain bowls and soups every week with Revive. Variety is important to me, and Splendid Spoon is constantly adding new meals to their menu so I'll never get bored.

Lastly, as I mentioned, Revive's meals fall short of what I feel are appropriate for dinnertime (I find myself needing a midnight snack or dessert). Splendid Spoons noodle bowls are wholesome and very satisfying dinners, I could see myself eating plant-based meals all week with Splendid Spoon. Plus I felt satisfied and energized all day every day.

Splendid Spoons plans are completely flexible, you can pause or cancel at any time. If you're looking for an easy way to eat more healthy and plant-based meals, check out Splendid Spoon.

Save On 3 Boxes of Splendid Spoon Today!

Am Ende jedes Jahres reflektiere ich gerne, um zu überlegen, welche neuen Gewohnheiten ich im neuen Jahr starten und etablieren möchte. Dieses Jahr war absolut verrückt und ich muss leider sagen, dass ich in ein ziemliches Loch gefallen bin. Das neue Jahr will ich deshalb frisch starten und plane dafür bereits, welche positiven Gewohnheiten ich 2021 in mein Leben integrieren möchte, damit das neue Jahr auch wirklich besser wird.

Hier sind meine Top 3 Gewohnheiten fürs neue Jahr und mein Plan, wie ich diese umsetzen will:

Neue Gewohnheit #1: Abwechslungsreichere Gerichte kochen

Eine meiner liebsten Beschäftigungen ist es, neue Gerichte und Rezepte auszuprobieren. Da ich natürlich dieses Jahr nicht oft essen gehen konnte, landete ich leider deutlich zu oft bei Tiefkühlware und Take-Away-Essen. Wie man sich vorstellen kann, wurde das irgendwann ziemlich langweilig und gesund war diese Ernährung auch nicht gerade.

Ein Freund hat mir dann HelloFreshempfohlen, eine Kochbox, die jede Woche Rezepte und vorportionierte Zutaten direkt zu einem nach Hause liefert. Tatsächlich kann man jede Woche selbst die Gerichte aus einer grossen Auswahl aussuchen, in der auch viel internationale Küche dabei ist. Es gibt indisch, thai, italienisch, spanisch, mexikanisch und noch viel mehr.

Das Chili con Carne mit Chorizo und Kichererbsen sah so fein aus und es wurde versichert, dass man den Plan jederzeit pausieren oder kündigen kann. Also probierte ich es aus und bin im Nachhinein auch wirklich froh, es getan zu haben. Ich habe gesünder gekocht und dabei noch jede Woche internationale Gerichte ausprobiert! Mein Favorit bisher ist der gebratener Halloumi im Fladenbrot. Einfach nur mega lecker!

Neue Gewohnheit #2: Weniger Geld ausgeben

Obwohl ich dieses Jahr weder grossartig ausgegangen, noch gereist bin, habe ich trotzdem einiges an Geld ausgegeben, das meiste davon für Lieferdienste. Am Anfang erschien es mir noch praktisch, dass ich so seltener einkaufen muss, aber ich habe mich schnell daran gewöhnt und mein Konto hat ziemlich darunter gelitten.

Jetzt wo ich HelloFresh Boxen bekomme, spare ich einiges an Geld. Ich habe mich für den Fleisch & Gemüse Menüplan für 2 Personen mit 4 Mahlzeiten entschieden. Das kostet ab 8,99 CHF pro Portion (Die Hälfte von meinem Take-Away Essen) und ich kann die Reste für das Mittagessen am nächsten Tag verwenden! Die Gerichte haben immer die perfekte Grösse, ich muss so nie irgendwas wegschmeissen.

Neue Gewohnheit #3: In eine bessere wöchentliche Routine finden

Dieses Jahr war ich einfach nur faul. Nach ein paar Wochen Home Office stand ich immer später auf, habe viel weniger Sport gemacht und nur noch schlecht gegessen. Mittlerweile versuche ich wieder, rechtzeitig aufzustehen und vor der Arbeit eine Runde zu spazieren. So bekomme ich den Kopf frei und tue mir etwas Gutes.

Jetzt wo ich ausserdem wieder selbst koche, habe ich viel mehr Energie. Ich freue mich jeden Abend nach der Arbeit auf meine HelloFresh Rezepte. Dadurch, dass die Zutaten vorportioniert und die Rezeptkarten super einfach zu verfolgen sind, bin ich meistens in rund 30 Minuten fertig mit kochen.

HelloFresh hat meinen Alltag wirklich verändert. Ich spare Geld, esse ausgewogener und internationaler. Jede Woche Lebensmittel direkt an meine Haustür zu bekommen, ist einfach praktisch und spart mir einige nervige Trips zum Supermarkt.

Ich bin wirklich jedes Mal stolz, wenn ich vor meinen selbstgekochten HelloFresh Gerichten sitze. HelloFresh hat mir auf jeden Fall geholfen, bessere Gewohnheiten zu formen, ich kann es nur empfehlen.

HelloFresh bietet unseren Lesern ein exklusives Angebot! Klicke auf diesen Link und erhalte 85 CHF Rabatt auf Deine ersten drei Lieferungen!

We've all heard the term vegan a lot more in the past few years, but many people shy away from making plant-based choices because they're assumed to be boring and not as filling.

You don't have to convert to veganism to enjoy its benefits. Incorporating more vegan meals into your week will not only have a massive positive impact on your health but also on the environment. Many people don't know where to start when it comes to plant-based meals, and that's where vegan food delivery companies come in.

There's a lot of them out there, so we've outlined everything you need to know about the two best: Purple Carrot & Splendid Spoon.

Key Similarities

  • Both meal delivery services are 100% Vegan.
  • Both are subscriptions that let you tweak, pause, or cancel at any time.
  • Both offer a range of meals inspired by worldly cuisines like Mexican, Italian, and Indian.
  • Both are Non-GMO and mostly organic.
  • Both offer multiple plans -
    • Splendid Spoon has Breakfast, Breakfast + Lunch, and Breakfast, Lunch and Reset options.
    • Purple Carrot has High-Protein, Gluten-Free, Quick & Easy, or Chef's Choice plans.

Key Differences

  • Purple Carrot can take up to 40 minutes to prepare, whereas Splendid Spoon's smoothiesarrive ready to drink, and their soups and grain bowls only require a couple of minutes in the microwave.
  • Splendid Spoon has a lot more breakfast options - there are 15 smoothie flavors to choose from every week, whereas Purple Carrot's Breakfast plan only has 2 to choose from a week.
  • Purple Carrot only has 2 lunch recipes + 8 dinner recipes per week, but Splendid Spoon has 30 soup and grain bowl varieties
  • Splendid Spoon also offers immunity-boosting wellness shots.
  • Splendid Spoon is slightly more affordable - their breakfast and lunch plan costs $9.50 per meal, whereas Purple Carrot's 2 serving plan works out to $11.99 a serving, and their 4 serving plan costs $9.99 a serving.

Splendid Spoon Overview

You can't fault Splendid Spoon on convenience. All of their meals require little to no prep, and the range of ingredients they use is pretty impressive. All of their smoothies, soups, and grain bowls are filled with nutrient-dense superfoods like Plantains (packed with Vitamins A & B6 to keep energy levels up), Sorghum (keeps hair and nails healthy and strong), and Navy Beans (helps maintain good blood sugar levels) to name a few.

What sets Splendid Spoon apart is that they are constantly evolving their product offering. Vegan food doesn't have to be boring, so always having something new to try is what keeps Splendid Spoon's customers coming back for more

Their large range of recipes includes options like Cauliflower Tikka, Vegetable Bolognese Bowl, and Cuban Black Bean Bowl. Customers report that all of the Splendid Spoons meals are delicious, contain fresh ingredients, and keep them feeling full throughout the day.

Plus, if you're feeling a little run down, their line of Reset Soups and wellness shots could be just what the doctor ordered! The Reset Range includes 5 light, superfood-packed soups designed to help you reset your digestive system, and the immunity-boosting wellness shots, which contain lemon and ginger, are made to give you a quick hit of goodness on the go.

Splendid Spoon
Ready-To-Eat Vegan & Vegetarian Meals
Delivered to Your Door
Follow This Link For $15 Off!

Purple Carrot Overview

Everybody has heard of meal kits, and Purple Carrot has set themself apart from the rest by offering a fully vegan line. Every week, you get to choose from 8 mouth-watering plant-based recipes, and Purple Carrot will send you all of the pre-portioned ingredients you need to make a delicious home-cooked meal. Beet Burgers with Smoky Tomato Aioli, Vegetable Panang Curry, and Lemon Miso Pasta are just some of the elevated vegan dishes on offer.

A lot of Purple Carrot meals take up to 40 minutes to prepare and require chopping, not to mention cooking and clean up time. If you're someone who likes to cook, this is fine, but if you want healthy meals that are also super convenient, then Purple Carrot might not be a good fit for you.

Their range of recipes is also very small, and it's hard to know if recipes get repeated a lot because you can't see any future menus. If you're going to sign up for a subscription, you should know what's on offer in the coming weeks, and Purple Carrot provides zero transparency into that.

Final Note

Both Purple Carrot and Splendid Spoon have brought vegan cuisine up a notch with their impressive offerings. But if you're looking for convenience, variety, and affordability, we highly recommend Splendid Spoon.

Purple Carrot simply takes too long to prepare, and their small range of recipes really lets them down. Plus, we noticed that a lot of their meals have a much higher fat content than Splendid Spoon.

Just because something is vegan doesn't mean it's healthy, and a lot of people fall into this trap. Splendid Spoon not only contains a massive amount of superfoods, but their sugar and fat content is also impressively low. Splendid Spoon makes healthy food for busy people.

The folks at Splendid Spoon are extending an exclusive offer to our readers! Follow this link and get $15 OFF the Most Popular Plans!

We've all heard the term vegan a lot more in the past few years, but many people shy away from making plant-based choices because they're assumed to be boring and not as filling.

You don't have to convert to veganism to enjoy its benefits. Incorporating more vegan meals into your week will not only have a massive positive impact on your health but also on the environment. Many people don't know where to start when it comes to plant-based meals, and that's where vegan food delivery companies come in.

There's a lot of them out there, so we've outlined everything you need to know about the two best: Purple Carrot & Splendid Spoon.

Key Similarities

  • Both meal delivery services are 100% Vegan.
  • Both are subscriptions that let you tweak, pause, or cancel at any time.
  • Both offer a range of meals inspired by worldly cuisines like Mexican, Italian, and Indian.
  • Both are Non-GMO and mostly organic.
  • Both offer multiple plans -
    • Splendid Spoon has Breakfast, Breakfast + Lunch, and Breakfast, Lunch and Reset options.
    • Purple Carrot has High-Protein, Gluten-Free, Quick & Easy, or Chef's Choice plans.

Key Differences

  • Purple Carrot can take up to 40 minutes to prepare, whereas Splendid Spoon's smoothies arrive ready to drink, and their soups and grain bowls only require a couple of minutes in the microwave.
  • Splendid Spoon has a lot more breakfast options - there are 15 smoothie flavors to choose from every week, whereas Purple Carrot's Breakfast plan only has 2 to choose from a week.
  • Purple Carrot only has 2 lunch recipes + 8 dinner recipes per week, but Splendid Spoon has 30 soup and grain bowl varieties
  • Splendid Spoon also offers immunity-boosting wellness shots.
  • Splendid Spoon is slightly more affordable - their breakfast and lunch plan costs $9.50 per meal, whereas Purple Carrot's 2 serving plan works out to $11.99 a serving, and their 4 serving plan costs $9.99 a serving.

Splendid Spoon Overview

You can't fault Splendid Spoon on convenience. All of their meals require little to no prep, and the range of ingredients they use is pretty impressive. All of their smoothies, soups, and grain bowls are filled with nutrient-dense superfoods like Plantains (packed with Vitamins A & B6 to keep energy levels up), Sorghum (keeps hair and nails healthy and strong), and Navy Beans (helps maintain good blood sugar levels) to name a few.

What sets Splendid Spoon apart is that they are constantly evolving their product offering. Vegan food doesn't have to be boring, so always having something new to try is what keeps Splendid Spoon's customers coming back for more

Their large range of recipes includes options like Cauliflower Tikka, Vegetable Bolognese Bowl, and Cuban Black Bean Bowl. Customers report that all of the Splendid Spoons meals are delicious, contain fresh ingredients, and keep them feeling full throughout the day.

Plus, if you're feeling a little run down, their line of Reset Soups and wellness shots could be just what the doctor ordered! The Reset Range includes 5 light, superfood-packed soups designed to help you reset your digestive system, and the immunity-boosting wellness shots, which contain lemon and ginger, are made to give you a quick hit of goodness on the go.

Splendid Spoon
Ready-To-Eat Vegan & Vegetarian Meals
Delivered to Your Door
Follow This Link For Free Shipping!

Purple Carrot Overview

Everybody has heard of meal kits, and Purple Carrot has set themself apart from the rest by offering a fully vegan line. Every week, you get to choose from 8 mouth-watering plant-based recipes, and Purple Carrot will send you all of the pre-portioned ingredients you need to make a delicious home-cooked meal. Beet Burgers with Smoky Tomato Aioli, Vegetable Panang Curry, and Lemon Miso Pasta are just some of the elevated vegan dishes on offer.

A lot of Purple Carrot meals take up to 40 minutes to prepare and require chopping, not to mention cooking and clean up time. If you're someone who likes to cook, this is fine, but if you want healthy meals that are also super convenient, then Purple Carrot might not be a good fit for you.

Their range of recipes is also very small, and it's hard to know if recipes get repeated a lot because you can't see any future menus. If you're going to sign up for a subscription, you should know what's on offer in the coming weeks, and Purple Carrot provides zero transparency into that.

Final Note

Both Purple Carrot and Splendid Spoonhave brought vegan cuisine up a notch with their impressive offerings. But if you're looking for convenience, variety, and affordability, we highly recommend Splendid Spoon.

Purple Carrot simply takes too long to prepare, and their small range of recipes really lets them down. Plus, we noticed that a lot of their meals have a much higher fat content than Splendid Spoon.

Just because something is vegan doesn't mean it's healthy, and a lot of people fall into this trap. Splendid Spoon not only contains a massive amount of superfoods, but their sugar and fat content is also impressively low. Splendid Spoon makes healthy food for busy people.

Follow this Link to Order Splendid Spoon Today and Get FREE Shipping!

Since I've been working from home a lot recently and making fewer trips to the grocery store, my diet was definitely suffering.

I'd been snacking a lot more and eating things like frozen pizzas and oven fries for dinner—anything that's convenient and saves me unnecessary trips to the store.

I've always had a sweet tooth and now that I had easy access to my cupboard full of junk food all day, I'd been unable to resist the pastries, chocolates and all the sugary treats. After a few days of binging, I had noticed how my increased sugar intake had been affecting my body and I was determined to make a change, but eating healthier would be a challenge while avoiding trips to the store as much as possible.

I started looking into meal delivery services, and I found a few smoothie companies that would provide some nutritional value—I quickly realized this would not be enough to satisfy my cravings. I still wanted to avoid weight gain during my working from home period, so I continued searching.

That's when I came across Nutrisystem. I heard about it before, but I never considered it as I thought it was mostly for weight loss. I never had a huge issue with my weight, but when I saw Nutrisystem sends a monthly shipment that includes breakfasts, lunches, dinner and snacks--I was intrigued, so I kept reading.

Easy-To-Make Meals Delivered To Your Door!

Limited Time Offer, Act Now:
Special Offer For Our Readers:
Follow This Link For 50% OFF All Plans And 50% OFF A Month Of Shakes!

All the meals are easy to prepare--they just need to be heated up. The menu is filled with healthier (and delicious!) versions of your favorite foods. Breakfast is as easy as grabbing a snack bar or muffin—it's convenient and tasty which is exactly what I had in mind.

I decided to take the plunge and sign up. A few days later, my first monthly shipment arrived. The first impression I had of the meals was that they looked delicious. And once I tried them, I realized they were just as tasty as they looked. I could still eat my favorite foods like pizza and mac & cheese, but Nutrisystem's meals are all balanced with complex carbs, protein and fiber without sacrificing taste.

Nutrisystem has a team of experts who do all the work for you—no need for counting calories or keeping up with your food intake. Something I always struggled with is portion control – I used to pile my plate with at least twice as much rice as I needed, and I would end up eating it anyway. I never thought of it as much of a problem until I started eating perfectly portioned meals with Nutrisystem. I noticed that their portions and meals keep me feeling full for longer while providing me with the right nutrients I need.

The major benefit of Nutrisystem was the sheer convenience of it. All my meals were delivered right to my doorstep, with minimal preparation needed. This is just what I needed. Plus, I could still be satisfied while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. My personal favorite is their lasagna—delicious!

I started Nutrisystem a few weeks ago, and it has already saved me so much time cooking. Although I still need my fresh grocery items, it has definitely lessened my trips to the grocery store. Plus, I find myself less tempted to reach for the snacks in my cupboards, as Nutrisystem allows me to still have my comfort foods. I am no longer worried about my weight.

I'd recommend Nutrisystem to anyone who is looking for a convenient way to lose weight while stuck at home.

UPDATE: The awesome folks at Nutrisystem are extending a special offer to our readers.NEW OFFER: Follow This Link For 50% OFF All Plans And 50% OFF A Month Of Shakes!

This content is sponsored by Nutrisystem.

Since I've been working from home a lot recently and making fewer trips to the grocery store, my diet was definitely suffering.

I'd been snacking a lot more and eating things like frozen pizzas and oven fries for dinner—anything that's convenient and saves me unnecessary trips to the store.

I've always had a sweet tooth and now that I had easy access to my cupboard full of junk food all day, I'd been unable to resist the pastries, chocolates and all the sugary treats. After a few days of binging, I had noticed how my increased sugar intake had been affecting my body and I was determined to make a change, but eating healthier would be a challenge while avoiding trips to the store as much as possible.

I started looking into meal delivery services, and I found a few smoothie companies that would provide some nutritional value—I quickly realized this would not be enough to satisfy my cravings. I still wanted to avoid weight gain during my working from home period, so I continued searching.

That's when I came across Nutrisystem. I heard about it before, but I never considered it as I thought it was mostly for weight loss. I never had a huge issue with my weight, but when I saw Nutrisystem sends a monthly shipment that includes breakfasts, lunches, dinner and snacks--I was intrigued, so I kept reading.

Easy-To-Make Meals Delivered To Your Door!

Limited Time Offer, Act Now:
Special Offer For Our Readers:
Follow This Link For 50% OFF Nutrisystem!

All the meals are easy to prepare--they just need to be heated up. The menu is filled with healthier (and delicious!) versions of your favorite foods. Breakfast is as easy as grabbing a snack bar or muffin—it's convenient and tasty which is exactly what I had in mind.

I decided to take the plunge and sign up. A few days later, my first monthly shipment arrived. The first impression I had of the meals was that they looked delicious. And once I tried them, I realized they were just as tasty as they looked. I could still eat my favorite foods like pizza and mac & cheese, but Nutrisystem's meals are all balanced with complex carbs, protein and fiber without sacrificing taste.

Nutrisystem has a team of experts who do all the work for you—no need for counting calories or keeping up with your food intake. Something I always struggled with is portion control – I used to pile my plate with at least twice as much rice as I needed, and I would end up eating it anyway. I never thought of it as much of a problem until I started eating perfectly portioned meals with Nutrisystem. I noticed that their portions and meals keep me feeling full for longer while providing me with the right nutrients I need.

The major benefit of Nutrisystem was the sheer convenience of it. All my meals were delivered right to my doorstep, with minimal preparation needed. This is just what I needed. Plus, I could still be satisfied while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. My personal favorite is their lasagna—delicious!

I started Nutrisystem a few weeks ago, and it has already saved me so much time cooking. Although I still need my fresh grocery items, it has definitely lessened my trips to the grocery store. Plus, I find myself less tempted to reach for the snacks in my cupboards, as Nutrisystem allows me to still have my comfort foods. I am no longer worried about my weight.

I'd recommend Nutrisystem to anyone who is looking for a convenient way to lose weight while stuck at home.

UPDATE: The awesome folks at Nutrisystem are extending a special offer to our readers.NEW OFFER: Follow This Link For 50% OFF Nutrisystem!

This content is sponsored by Nutrisystem.