Six months later and I’m still waiting. And I’m actually more impatient than ever.
Between fantasizing about Season Three (hello Sam), bringing back the visor, and trying my hand (foot?) at soccer, I’m feeling a little lost without Ted. Summer is Lasso Season and I’m sure you’re feeling the burn just like me.
If you’ve never seen the show or are shying away from it because anyone who watches
Ted Lasso can’t stop talking about Ted Lasso – present party included. Also, hello to my boss who will read this and roll her eyes – please just watch it. Their seven Emmy wins speak for themselves, but allow me to give a quick synopsis.
The show centers around a small-time, Kansas football coach who’s hired to become a premier league soccer coach in the UK. A visor-slinging, mustached Jason Sudeikis could
not be more perfect. His perpetual positivity and endless culture references pepper the show. He’s under-qualified, over his head, and definitely out of water, but charmingly manages to stay afloat with plain old, juvenile optimism.
There would be no Ted without his team, his fellow coaches, and his leading ladies. You can’t help but love each and every character as Ted slowly chips away at their reservations and enchants them all. (Except for one – you can definitely hate one but still have the smallest – and I mean
smallest – shred of empathy for.)
Perhaps the best thing this show highlights is something that doesn’t come into clear view until later seasons: mental health and therapy. It’s a tale as old as time, but this tale comes in the form of the pressure to be perfect, panic attacks, the yips, and broken marriages.
People adore
Ted Lasso for all that it is. And as we not-so-patiently wait for his – and our queen Rebecca’s – return, we need something to get us through. Futbol is life, but life isn’t life without Ted. Here’s everything you need from Amazon to fill the pitch-sized void in your life:
AFC Richmond Visor | $24
Show some scalp this summer. The only thing better than Ted’s staple v-neck-sweater-over-button-down look is his AFC Richmond visor.
As IF Rebecca would use anything less than the best. Sure, she’s a splurge, but she’s worth it. This electric kettle has a pointed spout, perfect for any precision pour-over or tea-steeping. The LCD display lets you know the current temperature. Plus, you can even leave it at any temperature for when you go back for that second cup.
Believe Fridge Magnet | $15.95
No, I didn’t forget about the iconic sign, and yes I know it’s a fridge magnet. Should you want the Believe sign for the rumpus room wall, I personally think you should just make it yourself! It’s what Ted would want.
Nicer weather means outdoor-sporty-things.
I really do my best to listen to Coach when he explains offsides, but sometimes you just need to call it like it is. And ‘like it is’ means I don’t know what he’s saying. Not only will you get to know the rules and regulations, but you can even brush up on your dribbling and passing.
Be a goldfish, own a goldfish, eat a goldfish. However you need to remind yourself to be a goldfish is alright with me. Eating goldfish just might be the easiest…
Live like a Londoner with some sparkling water! A spring and summer staple, just make sure not to chug it, cause it goes down a little saucier than flat water.
The devil works hard, but Keeley Jones works harder. These pens hold the secret to your next promotion right in their pom-poms. Or, in the pom of your hand. (Okay, I’ll see myself out now.)
Much like Ted Lasso, if you haven’t yet tried Dr. Jartt, you’re missing out on valuable benefits. Perfect for all skin types, these masks give needed ultra-doses of hydration during these hot months and help brighten your skin. Give a few minutes back to yourself and indulge in some luxurious self-care.
While you may not be able to go to Richmond’s pub – The Prince’s Head – you can at least drink like it. These pint glasses are perfect for cheering to wins, losses, and let us not forget – ties.
Say what you will, but tissues will be needed for both characters and viewers alike. The hugs, the apologies, the
growth. It’ll getcha. Solimo’s tissues even come with lotion. So, while you’re embracing the Ted Tears, you’ll never need to worry about dryness.
Settle in, grab some cold sparkling water, and settle down for some of the purest television. As Trent Krimm,
The Independent’s, once said, “If the Lasso way is wrong, it’s hard to imagine being right.”