Bill Gates Got Hacked by Lunatics on 4Chan Who Think He’s Behind Coronavirus

Bill Gates Got Hacked by Lunatics on 4Chan Who Think He’s Behind Coronavirus

Every day, reality seems more and more like the outcome of a very bad Mad Libs.

Alas, “unknown activists” recently dumped a massive stash of almost 25,000 hacked email addresses and passwords on 4chan, all belonging to various organizations that have been aiming to combat the coronavirus. These include the WHO, the Gates Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health, amongst others. The Wuhan Institute of Virology, where the pandemic allegedly originated, was also targeted.

Naturally, alt-right lunatics, their brains melted by conspiracy theories, have jumped on the hacks to wage a harassment campaign against pretty much anyone they’ve decided is secretly behind the coronavirus. Due to the fact that Bill Gates has spent years advocating for vaccines and (rightfully) warning that the country is unprepared for handling a wide-scale pandemic, some people now believe that Bill Gates helped fund the coronavirus.

The alleged evidence backing these claims up is nothing short of…well, nothing. Some random guy made a Facebook post, which Facebook subsequently flagged as false information, claiming that Bill Gates owns the patent to the “Corona virus.” The 284 people who shared this post seem to believe that Gates funded the coronavirus in order to sell vaccines and profit, which might make sense if reality were dictated by moron’s Facebook posts instead of Mad Libs and facts.

Of course, if there’s one thing we can always count on to stay consistent no matter how crazy the world gets, it’s the limitless stupidity of the world’s worst people. And so, naturally, #GatesHacked is trending on Twitter. Here, grifters promise to reveal the truth about Bill Gates’ connection to the coronavirus.

This truth comes in the form of screenshots from 4chan because 4chan is and has always been a bastion of accurate information*.

*Sarcasm. This is sarcasm.

Noted scientist*, Youtube musician “Sleek Whizz,” has posited that Bill Gates might even be vaccinating people in order to secretly microchip them.

*Again, sarcasm.

Incredibly, while these nut jobs set their sights on Bill Gates and the World Health Organization as the bankrupt profiteers behind the coronavirus, they fail to acknowledge the wildly disproportional number of right-wing voices actively spreading disinformation about the pandemic. It’s hard to say whether this oversight is stupidly ironic or maliciously intentional.

Regardless, if it’s not already obvious, set your mind at ease. The truth about Bill Gates’ involvement in the coronavirus is that he’s donating 100 million dollars to fight it. He is not behind the coronavirus in any way, shape, or form, and if you still suspect he might be, we regret to inform you that your stupidity might be terminal.

Oh, and speaking of terminal stupidity, here’s what happens when you choose to believe false information about deadly pandemics.

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