
Give Your Body Exactly What It Needs With This Revolutionary Company

woman with vitamins in hand and fruit and nuts on plate while sitting in bed

Most people report feelings of stress on a regular basis. That's normal! The gig economy, insurmountable student loans, and the state of the world are ridiculously stressful, but feeling anxious can become your default, but it doesn't have to be. Instead of sweating to death in a hot yoga class, there's one easy way to be sure that you're treating your body better.

If you want your body to feel less like a vehicle that's running on empty and more like a functioning human, you need to find balance by consuming the right amount of nutrients. Micronutrient inadequacies are extremely prevalent in the U.S., with alarming nutrient deficits in Vitamin D, calcium, potassium, fiber, and iron as well as shortfalls in Vitamins A, C, and E, choline, and magnesium. In addition to general feelings of fatigue, this can lead to an increased risk of chronic yet preventable illnesses.1

In addition to increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables, you can take over the reins of your health by getting a curated vitamin plan. MadeFor_ is a vitamin subscription service that delivers high-quality nutrients and supplements that are tailored to your specific needs and deficiencies. To find out where your body's needs are lacking, take MadeFor 's quiz that covers your age, gender, diet, lifestyle, habits, and health goals in order to optimize your vitamin levels. You're also paired with a personalized nutritionist, so if you're worried that your plan isn't right, MadeFor offers professional support and reassurance that you're on track.

It's imperative that you're putting high-quality ingredients into your body, so you can achieve healthy levels. MadeFor uses strict guidelines for sourcing their minerals and vitamins, so you're getting the most potent versions (unlike what you may find in the vitamin aisle).

One of the biggest misconceptions about vitamin deficiencies is that you can reverse them with a vitamin binge. Taking 10 Vitamin D pills a day for a week is not only inefficient but dangerous. A nutritionist-recommended dosage needs to be spaced out over a longer period of time in order to see results, which is why daily vitamin intake is best. With MadeFor, you receive a month's worth of individually packaged daily pills. The packaging is pocket-size and aesthetically pleasing enough to bring to the office or leave on the kitchen counter, rather than tucked away in a crowded cabinet.

MadeFor is an affordable and convenient way to properly equip your body to handle stress.

No matter how busy you are or how many deadlines you have, you need to reduce your stress and anxiety. Promoting healthy energy levels and a positive nutrient balance will give you the edge to tackle your day instead of letting it tackle you. Take the quiz to take a step toward more self care, less stressed and depressed.

1 https://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic/micronutrient-inadequacies/overview