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Instagram Trusts My Gut More Than I Do

Person scrolling through Instagram ads

POV: Scrolling through Instagram, maybe stalking your ex’s sister’s boyfriend’s cousin’s new baby, and you happen to get served an ad for your dream dress. But not just any dream dress… your dream dress. As in the dream dress you conjured when you were 17 years old and never found – even down to the pleat.

Creepy, maybe. But on point, definitely. Who cares how it got there? You click the ad and are directed to a tiny Instagram page with less than three thousand followers. You stop.

This could be where you back out and return to baby-scrolling, but personally, I’m passing GO. I want these Instagram ads to work out so badly that I’ll see it through til the end, even if I risk getting hurt.

I choose to believe in the Instagram ad. With my very own eyes, I’ve seen it work out more times than not. Some of my best looks are in outfits purchased from an IG Ad clothing brand. In fact, Her Pony, a boho-chic, Vanessa-Hudgens-Coachella vibe, is one of my favorite brands that I wouldn’t have found without Instagram.

My one shred of advice when it comes to the ads: buy the clothing, not the knick knacks. Even my friends can back me on this. They had great things to say about bathing suits, vests, dresses, sets, and more…but nothing positive to say about the handheld blender they bought.

My Ritual For Saving My Gut Health

Recently, I’ve been on a major hot girl health kick, so it’s only fair that my Instagram ads follow suit with probiotics and powdered greens. Yum. And now that I’ve written this piece, I can’t imagine what they’re going to look like.

When I hear of a women-owned brand that creates evidence-based products, meaning they have been tested on people so they actually work, I am going to go crazy. Naturally, this happened when I found out about Ritual.

Ritual popped up on my feed and I will admit that I second guessed the legitimacy of it for a moment. It’s one thing to buy clothes to put on your body from IG, but another to buy supplements to put in your body. However,Ritual has proven results to back them up.

Originally, Ritualonly offered multivitamins for a range of demos, but they now have a line of gut health synbiotics.

A synbiotic is a combo of pre-,pro-, and postbiotics to optimize your digestive system and heal your gut. I.e. – the missing piece to all my gut problems?! I’m sold.

What I liked even more wasRitual’s website. They tell you exactly where they source their ingredients and the role they play in your digestion. It’s super informative and every product has crazy attention to detail. It didn’t feel like another cleverly-placed IG ad, but something that could really help – and something I’d eventually seek out.

Trust The Ad Process

All in all, I’d say give the Instagram ad a go. If you’re feeling a bit wary of the quality, go online and Google the brand! Life looks a little better and more glamorous on Instagram, so it’s no shock that we’ve written off most Instagram ads as fake. But, there are some worth the risk.

Stick to clothes. Ditch the knick-knacks. And follow your gut. As a Philadelphia sports fan, there’s a saying I relate to many life situations, especially Instagram ads: Trust The Process.