Interview: Sister Trio ROY3LS Unveil Visuals for "Destiny"


Sister trio ROY3LS from Nashville are here to enrich us with some feistiness.

Their latest single "Destiny" is gritty and energized by feminine flames of might, and it reminds us to reach for our goals no matter the circumstances.

Bathed in an emerald green glow, the video is a tribute to power and strength. The sisters are seen in grungy all-black attire, which highlights their strength as they move through an array of fast-moving shots. Thanks to clever camera work and the magnetism of its stars, the video is extremely engrossing and absorbing. It's also scattered with clues and maps that show how these women are following the path to their destinies.

These girls are unstoppable in their unity, emitting a force like no other. We spoke to ROY3LS to find out more about their intoxicating sound and visuals, spirited energy, and undeniable bond.

ROY3LS // Destiny (Official Music Video)

Your latest single "Destiny" is super fierce! What were some big inspirations for the production?

We definitely wanted "Destiny" to be fierce and bold in every way! From the lyrics to the production, we wanted it to be an anthem of resoluteness. Our brother, who does most of our production, is incredible at what he does, and when we started sharing our heart during the writing process, he transposed all those feelings into the powerful music for "Destiny."

"Destiny" was written in response to a traumatic 2020. What were some of the main things that pushed you to write the song?

This past year was not what we were expecting, to say the least, and we know that was the case for many others as well. 2020 was especially difficult on the music industry, and the easy route would have been to curl up in a ball and hide in a corner. However, just because life throws us curve balls, it doesn't mean we stop doing what we were destined for.

"Destiny" was our resolution, coming out of a time of uncertainty, that we are going to continue to pursue our mission to speak into the mindset of our generation through our music and weekly Mindset Mondays on our socials. We know that the future is always full of uncertainty, but that won't change what we do or who we are.

How does the writing process look for you?

We get this question a lot! Our songwriting process is pretty unique and the sibling dynamic definitely plays a large part in this. We all collaborate on lyrics, melody, and music, and because we're so close, our writing reflects [a] unity of heart and mind. However, because each of us are so unique, we bring a lot of different styles and ideas to the studio, which is where our music gets its unique flavor.

What do you hope "Destiny" will bring to your listeners?

In the same way that "Destiny" is our resolution to push forward in what we were meant to do, we hope this song will provide people with the strength to step into their purpose and be like a mighty wind in their sails, pushing them forward towards their Destinies.

Are there any artists for you who helped get you through 2020?

Honestly, this is why we love to work together as siblings, because in difficult times, we are able to lean into each other and support one another as family first and foremost and as artists as well.

What's the best thing about working with your sisters?

Imagine doing something you love to do with the people you love the most. That's what it's like.

Follow ROY3LS on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!