
Push Push Releases Trippy New Video for “INB4”

Push Push’s psychedelic new video isn’t afraid to get weird.

The South African rapper’s latest single, “INB4,” is a bouncing, electronica-steeped track, part early-hustle story and part breakup missive: “Motherfucker, trust me, I am not bluffing / Loose lips sink ships and I hold grudges,” Push Push raps in her clipped flow. There’s a warning in there, but the playful computer-beep beat—produced by Moon Bounce, native Philadelphia electronic artist and Push Push’s husband—keeps the proceedings light, turning her caustic bars and threats into carefree dismissals.

The new video sets the music against a bizarre pastel world, indulging the track’s sparse weirdness with a well-matched visual palette. Push Push dances and plays with mannequin hands in a red-lit room, then strides over more mannequin limbs in an empty pool, even garroting a massive fairground-prize teddy bear. Even with the video’s purposefully odd aesthetic, she’s always the element that stands out, decked out in latex outfits and sporting bright pink hair. The video gleefully watches her take up space, equally at ease in junkyards full of mannequin bodies and picturesque homes. With the beat humming along underneath the visuals, Push Push makes herself into some kind of color-coded glitch, unresolvable but still present. It’s an interesting contrast between the expected and the bizarre, and Push Push seems at home in the center of that contrast.

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