Selena Gomez's "Look At Her Now" Isn't About Justin Bieber

It's about her.

It's one of the first significant epiphanies of early adulthood: when you realize we may be attracted to self-destructive tendencies in other people.

It's not your fault; it's just unresolved trauma disguised as love and affection, but that "aha!" moment feels substantial. When you can finally pin down the errors you've made in past relationships, recognize, and absorb them—even if the "why" remains absent—you've grown substantially as a person. Selena Gomez has had a similar epiphany. While "Lose You To Love Me" and her latest single, "Look at Me Now," can be interpreted to be about Justin Bieber, the bigger takeaway is that Gomez—much like other #MeToo era pop starlet's—has realized that men ain't sh*t. The result has been some of the best pop music in recent memory.

"Look At Her Now" is Selena Gomez's relationship memorandum. "What a thing to be human," she sings as she reflects candidly. While braggadocious in execution, "Look at Her Now" is devoid of a well-earned bitterness. Gomez has been absent from the limelight for a few years, and despite her exes' relentless airing of her dirty laundry, Gomez herself has remained mum on the drama of her love life, facing inward to reflect, rather than outward to cry and moan.

Gomez's latest single is similar to "Lose You To Love Me" in that it's not abrasive in its message. Even when her new music invited rumors about the relationship between Gomez and Bieber's wife, Hailey Baldwin, both contested parties were quick to diffuse the situation. "I don't stand for tearing other women down," Gomez said in a post, "be kind." Tabloids will continue to conjecture, but we're reminded that these songs are about Gomez and for Gomez. Everything else is just speculation.