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EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Jesse McCartney On His Return To Music and Life In Quarantine

The singer's new single “Yours" is out now.

Throughout the turmoil and controversy that embroiled many of his fellow child stars, Jesse McCartney has managed to remain a beautiful soul.

The early aughts pop star recently got engaged to actress Katie Peterson, and the two have lived a relatively tame life together. The pair has spent the entirety of the coronavirus quarantine together, and to kill time they've crafted a series of hilarious Instagram skits called "The Quarantined Couple." They also have occasionally hosted an Instagram Live game show together. It's all incredibly pure. "It keeps us relatively sane," the singer joked, "[and] helps to fill our time productively." They've also been hosting Instagram livestreams together with their fans, all in an attempt to stay connected while COVID-19 ensnares California. "She's a natural comedic actress and writer so she's a great partner."

Prior to quarantine, Jesse McCartney recorded a new album, his first since 2014. During his five year absence, he released two singles: "Better With You" and "Wasted," the former an ode to his fiancé and the latter an ode to the toxic shenanigans he used to be a part of. His latest single, "Yours," which comes out this morning, ties McCartney's two identities together as he tackles the next chapter of his life. "It's about all the different personas I've taken on in the past," McCartney said. "But now I've finally found my place in life; [I belong] to one special person."

Inspired by the R&B jams of the '90s and 2000s, "Yours" is an infectious return to form for McCartney. "Getting engaged was a big life transition for me," he admitted. "So it's a little bit of a look backward at my life." But at the end of the day, the album is about his love for what lies ahead. "It's about me looking ahead to my future."

But what we all want to know: Does he still perform "Beautiful Soul?"

"I will never get tired of performing 'Beautiful Soul,'" he said in closing. "The reaction is always so charged up. I get this incredible energy from the audience. It's the song that started it all!"

Check out the new single below:
