As someone who is always on the lookout for ways to improve my life, I admit I’ve always dismissed anyone who recommended a meal kit to me. Sure, the idea of having ingredients and recipes conveniently delivered to my doorstep sounded appealing, but would the food actually taste good? And wouldn’t it be expensive?

I’ve been trying to improve my cooking for a while. But the mere thought of planning meals and going to the supermarket always overwhelmed me — who has the time for that?! After three nights in a row of enduring two-minute noodles for dinner, I turned to a few friends for advice on my dinner time troubles.

My best friend, Mel, wouldn’t stop raving about EveryPlate and how it makes her dinners a breeze. When she said that meals start at only $2.19 per plate, it certainly caught my attention! I never imagined that a service like this could be so affordable.

But I needed more than just promises; I needed results. So, when I noticed that they have a fully flexible subscription, I gave EveryPlate a shot and signed up for the Classic plan. I chose meals for two people, four times a week.

First up on my menu: Spicy Black Bean Quesadillas with Zingy Salsa & Sour Cream. After my first bite, I was hooked. The combination of savoury black beans, zesty salsa and gooey cheese is top-notch. I can’t believe that you can cook these quesadillas — and all EveryPlates meals — in just four easy steps.

The true test came with their Hoisin Chicken Stir-fry. As someone who enjoys meals that taste fantastic while contributing to my overall well-being, this dish exceeds all expectations. And the fact it only takes 25 minutes to prepare is a major bonus.

What truly sets EveryPlate apart, though, is its commitment to making home-cooked meals quick and accessible to everyone. With its affordable pricing and simple recipes, it's a game-changer for anyone looking to level-up their dinners and improve their routine without breaking the bank.

Since signing up, I’ve been putting extra time and energy into my self care. I’m consistent with my skincare routine and finally putting my gym membership to use! It’s crazy how making one simple change can improve so many aspects of your life.

It’s safe to say I'll be whipping up tasty home-cooked meals with EveryPlate for the foreseeable future. So, if you're like me — unsure at first but willing to give it a try — take the leap with EveryPlate. It’ll save you time, money and stress. It's a no-brainer.

JUST FOR YOU: Get Up To $180 Off 5 Boxes For All New Customers

Laatst nodigde mijn vriendin Lilly me spontaan uit om bij haar te komen eten. Ze had een Green Chef-box ontvangen met recepten voor 2 personen, maar haar huisgenoot was niet thuis. Goed nieuws voor mij, want dit was mijn kans om mijn eerste Green Chef-maaltijd te proeven.

Toen ik binnenkwam rook ik meteen al de heerlijke geur van biefstuk in een pan. Kort daarna schotelde ze me de maaltijd voor: biefstuk met geglaceerde wortel, amandelschaafsel en zoete aardappelpuree. Zo lekker! Net alsof ik in een restaurant zat.

Lilly vertelde me vol enthousiasme dat ze al een tijdje met Green Chef kookt en dat ze sindsdien alleen nog maar restaurantwaardige maaltijden eet die ook nog eens heel gezond zijn. Er is keuze uit recepten die passen bij allerlei gezonde levensstijlen zoals vegan, vegetarisch, keto, <550 kcal of koolhydraatarm.

Zora ik thuis kwam vertelde ik mijn partner Frank over de lekkere maaltijd die ik had gegeten en stelde voor om zelf ook onze eerste box te bestellen. We gingen naar de website en bekeken de 25 recepten die volgende week op het menu staan. Allemaal zagen ze er heerlijk uit. We lazen dat alle maaltijden zijn samengesteld door diëtisten. Geweldig!

Wij kozen voor 3 maaltijden per week voor 2 personen en kozen voor de menuvoorkeur snel & gezond. Dit omdat we allebei geen specifiek dieet volgen, maar graag gezond en gevarieerd willen eten. Met deze menuvoorkeur krijg je een afwisselende mix én staan de recepten ook nog eens binnen 25 minuten op tafel.

Week 1 - Aan de slag met ons eerste recept

Toen onze eerste Green Chef-box bij ons thuis werd bezorgd, voelde het als kerstochtend, echt een cadeautje. Alle ingrediënten waren netjes verpakt in de juiste hoeveelheden om geen voedsel te verspillen. Toegegeven, de eerste avond vond ik het een beetje spannend, omdat ik totaal geen keukenprinses ben. Gelukkig nam Frank het voortouw en ik was de sous chef. We kozen voor de eerste avond voor de quinoasalade met geroosterde kikkererwten. De receptkaart met makkelijk te volgen stappen zorgde ervoor dat we het recept zonder moeite hebben klaargemaakt. En het was ook nog eens heel gezellig om samen in de keuken te staan.

Week 2 - De wereld rond in onze eigen keuken

We zijn zo blij met Green Chef. We gaan veel minder vaak naar de supermarkt en het is zo fijn om je geen zorgen te hoeven maken over het avondeten. Tijdens onze tweede week hebben we ons verdiept in de wereldkeuken. Onze culinaire avonturen brachten ons de Mediterrane mezze om te delen met aubergine, tabouleh en hummus - echt heerlijk!

Een andere avond hebben we genoten van de Dahl met zoete aardappel en munt-yoghurt. Perfect voor een doordeweekse maaltijd en ook nog eens vegan. We willen wat minder vlees eten en met zulke lekkere recepten kost dat geen enkele moeite.

Wat opmerkelijk is aan Green Chef is dat ze seizoensgebonden ingrediënten en lokale leveranciers gebruiken waar mogelijk, en dat proef je echt terug in de gerechten.

Week 3 - Vooruitgang in culinaire vaardigheden

Ik had nooit gedacht dat ik koken zo leuk zou gaan vinden. Maar door Green Chef heb ik een nieuwe passie ontdekt. Sterker nog, ik ben nu zo zelfverzekerd dat we onze box grootte hebben verhoogd naar 3 maaltijden per week voor 4 personen. Wat een tijdsbesparing! We koken nog steeds 3 keer per week, maar krijgen 6 avondmaaltijden - of restjes voor de lunch. Hoewel we ons zorgen maken dat het misschien een beetje ambitieus is, kunnen we veranderen, weken overslaan of afmelden mochten we dat willen.

Week 4 - we zijn zo blij met Green Chef

Dankzij Green Chef besparen we zoveel geld. Door onze drukke banen gingen we eerst vaak voor bezorg- of afhaalmaaltijden. Zo gaven we al snel €200 per week uit alleen al aan het avondeten.

Beginnend bij slechts €4,25 per portie, is Green Chef goed betaalbaar. Voor 12 porties per week betalen we een fractie van wat we vroeger uitgaven aan een stuk ongezondere maaltijden. Dat geld gaat nu naar onze spaarrekening!

Dankzij Green Chef genieten we van heerlijke zelfbereide maaltijden, hebben we leuke momenten samen en krijgen we alle voedingsstoffen binnen die we nodig hebben. En natuurlijk gaan we nog steeds af en toe uit eten wanneer we daar zin in hebben.

Tijdelijke korting bij HelloFresh: Vanaf €4.25 per maaltijd!

We love to start our day with coffee. It's human nature to wake up, stumble bleary-eyed to the kitchen, and put on a pot of joe. However, at-home brews aren't always the go-to. Some opt for a morning jaunt to get a specialty latte or fancy roast at their local shop.

Pick your poison - in the end, we all agree that coffee rules.

We'd even go as far as saying that coffee is self-care; a simple pleasure like a face mask or reading a book. Well, we've upped our game all year with skincare and healthy habits, now we're leveling up morning brew with Copper Cow Coffee.

This brand is reinventing how we approach the brewing process with Vietnamese pour-over coffee. Copper Cow is bringing high-quality, easy-to-make coffee and lattes to your kitchen.

Here's everything you need to know before making the tasty switch:

What is Copper Cow Coffee?

Vietnamese pour-over coffee - simple and delicious. With Copper Cow all you need to do is take one of their pre-filled coffee filters, pop it in your mug of choice, and add hot water. From there, you can either drink it black or add in one of Copper Cow's 100% naturally sweetened creamers.

There's no special equipment needed unlike other big-name at-home coffee brands, but you still get great coffee in no time, without leaving the house. Copper Cow can be made hot, iced, or taken a step further with a true cold brew.

What kind of coffee and flavors do they have?

Copper Cow has 5 coffee flavors that come in packs of eight: Classic Black, Vanilla, Lavender, Churro, and Salted Caramel. You can add on a creamer pack of 8 or 25. Enjoy 100% real milk and pure cane sugar without any of those pesky preservatives and additives.

The lattes from Copper Coware next level. Choose from Salted Caramel, Pumpkin Spice, Vanilla, Churro, Classic, Mint, Lavender, and Classic Decaf - no matter which you choose, you get 5 pour-over filters and 5 condensed milk creamers. Plus, keep an eye out for their seasonal flavor drops!

What makes Vietnamese coffee different?

The difference lies in flavor and convenience.

Vietnamese coffee is made from beans sourced in Vietnam and served with sweetened condensed milk. The pour-over method enhances the flavor as you brew for a richer, stronger cup than traditional American-style coffee.

Can I brew it easily at home?

Yes! All you need is hot water and your filter and you're good to go. Copper Cow tells you exactly how many times to fill your filter to get your perfect cup and how to make it iced or a cold brew instead.

The best part is that Copper Cow stays with you on the move. Pop their filters in your bag and whether you're at the office or on vacation, you won't need to settle for subpar coffee. The creamers are shelf-stable too, so go ahead and throw one in as well and you can indulge in a latte from anywhere.

How much does it cost?

With Copper Cow you don't have to break the bank or leave the house to keep high-quality coffee in your life. The 8 packs of coffee are just $14 and the latte packs of 5 start at $15.

A latte typically costs you upwards of $4 a cup, but with Copper Cow it comes down to just $2.50. It's barista-quality for half the price - need we say more?

How does the subscription work?

If you want extra savings and convenience, Copper Cow has an excellent subscription offering in addition to their a la carte shop. Just follow their quiz to build your box - including preferences for flavors, creamers, and brew type.

Copper Cow will build your box so you can have a mix of flavors you love and the ones you're ready to explore for a total of up to 24 coffee filters and 24 creamers. You save up to 20%, can opt-out anytime, and you get free samples (+ perks!). Never worry about restocking your caffeine supply with this monthly subscription.

Anything else to note?

Copper Cow is more than just great-tasting coffee! They're a small business that's putting a twist on traditional Vietnamese coffee and delivering right to our doors. While they go above and beyond for their devoted customers, Copper Cow does more for their farmers too.

They source all their coffee from local farmers in Vietnam and pay their workers double the market rate. When you choose Copper Cow over your Starbucks-Dunkin-Mega-Corporation of Choice, you're doing more than investing in the satisfaction of a satisfying latte.

We highly recommend trying out Copper Cow Coffee. Be your own barista with this revolutionary pour-over brew.

The team at Copper Cow Coffee are extending a special offer to our readers! Get 25% off orders of $40 or more with code: FIRST25

If you haven’t yet enjoyed the fun or the convenience of meal kits, most likely you have friends who do. It’s no surprise that people swear by them because after a long, busy day, they make cooking dinner a breeze.

The problem is there are sooo many meal kit brands. How do you pick the right service for your specific needs? Of course, not all meal kits tick the same boxes. But after hours of research, we can confidently say Home Chef is the best choice. They have loads of easy and customizable recipes for everyone.

Besides offering recipes for all dietary preferences, Home Chef allows you to tailor your meals by upgrading, swapping, or doubling up on your preferred protein. There are also Oven-Ready and Fast & Fresh options that require minimal preparation. No prep, no mess meals? Sign us up!

With Home Chef, you’ll spend less time stressing and more time enjoying nutritious and delicious meals.

Here’s all you need to know:

How does it work?

It’s simple:

  • Choose your preferences and create an account by entering your payment information
  • Select recipes from a vast selection, then adjust to fit your tastes
  • Receive fresh, pre-portioned ingredients with easy-to-follow recipe cards
  • Prepare and enjoy flavorful meals within minutes
  • Then enjoy a sweet, ready-made dessert like Blueberry Lemon Butter Cake

What meal plans does Home Chef offer?

Home Chef has meal plans for 2, 4, or 6 people, with 2 to 6 recipes each week. Their menu features 20+ new recipes each week, with vegetarian, carb-conscious, and calorie-conscious options available. Many recipes allow you to customize your meals by choosing your preferred protein with options like Impossible Burger, Steak Strips, Shrimps, Salmon Fillets, Antibiotic-Free Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, and more.

What’s on the menu?

Home Chef offers everything from breakfasts, lunches, and dinners to snacks and even smoothies and chocolate cold brew lattes.

Here’s what a day with Home Chef looks like:

  • Breakfast: Breakfast Frittata & Strawberry Banana Smoothie
  • Lunch: Prosciutto Carbonara Spaghetti
  • Snack: Genoa Salame Charcuterie Snack Tray with Fontina Cheese and Rosemary Crackers
  • Dinner: Sirloin Steak with Lemon Butter and Crispy Shrimp with Broccoli and Baked Potato
  • Dessert: Lemon Cake Slices

Note: Home Chef has wonderful bundles like Pesto Chicken Pizza & Mediterranean Crunch Chopped Salad.

How easy are Home Chef meals to prepare?

Home Chef’s meals are super easy to prepare — no cooking skills needed. Their Express options are ready in only 10-15 minutes! And some more advanced meals – such as the Salmon and Pickled Ginger-Scallion Sauce — can take up to 50 minutes. Their Oven-Ready meals only require assembling the fresh ingredients in a baking tray (provided) and popping it in the oven. These are really quick and easy to heat with almost no chopping or prepping.

How is Home Chef different from other meal kit services?

Home Chef truly stands out because you can adjust their plans to suit your individual preferences. If a meal includes a “customize it” button, you can swap or upgrade the protein. Guests coming over? You don’t have to change your entire subscription — simply double your meal portions. Incredible. And there’s the tracking feature to monitor your delivery’s journey, so there’s no need to worry that your box will be lost.

How much does Home Chef cost?

New customers, on average, pay $9.99 per serving. But Home Chef’s generous promo — 75% Off Your First Box + 60% Off 2nd and 3rd Boxes — makes a subscription super affordable. So, skip the trip to the grocery store and save time and money!

And their flexible subscription allows you to skip weeks, or opt-out at any time.

What are people saying?


“This far exceeded my expectations. I continue to be AMAZED at the quality and yumminess of your food. (Cowboy Steak Sandwich)”

- Crystal S.


“Very quick and convenient. The whole family liked this meal. It took me about 10 minutes to get it ready. (BBQ Pulled Pork Tacos)”

- Lucille F.


“Easy to make and tastes great. It’s nice not having to go to the grocery store.”

- Jani P.

When it comes to convenience, variety, and taste, there’s no better meal kit service than Home Chef. If you want to improve your cooking skills and upgrade your dinner routine, Home Chef is for YOU! Check them out today.

Our friends at Home Chef are extending a special offer to our readers! Follow this link to get 75% Off Your First Box + More Free Meals!


Splendid Spoon Or Daily Harvest? Which One Should You Choose...

They both seem to offer the same meal plan but here are the key differences you need to know.

splendid spoon box opened with soups and smoothies on kitchen counter

At first glance, Daily Harvest and Splendid Spoon look to be very similar vegan meal delivery services. Both meal plans deliver plant-based smoothies, soups, and other offerings containing high quality meals right to your doorstep on a weekly basis.

But if you take a closer look, you'll actually find that there are a lot of differences between the two.

Convenience is king. And that's why so many people are turning to solutions like meal subscriptions to help them get through a busy week. To help you decide which company is a better fit for you, we've clearly outlined the key similarities and differences, so you can stop researching and start enjoying the convenience of having your meals delivered.

Key Similarities

  • Both deliver vegan smoothies and soups right to your doorstep
  • Both are subscription options (with the ability to pause or cancel at any time)
  • Both let you choose your recipes each week, and change it up based on your preferences
  • Both are vegan and GMO-Free

Key Differences

  • Splendid Spoon smoothies arrive ready to drink, whereas you have to blend the Daily Harvest smoothies
  • Splendid Spoons smoothies are 16oz and two servings, whereas Daily Harvests are one serving and just a little over 7oz before you add water
  • Therefore, Splendid Spoon is better value for money considering their smoothies are 2 servings
  • Daily Harvest has more options per week - 60 vs. Splendid Spoon's 50
  • Almost all of Splendid Spoon's smoothies contain between 5-12g of sugar per serving; however, most of Daily Harvest's smoothie sugar content ranges from 14g-32g per serving Yikes!
  • Splendid Spoon contains an amazing range of health-boosting ingredients like turmeric (a natural anti-inflammatory) and hemp seeds (rich in healthy fats)

Splendid Spoon Overview

Splendid Spoon wins on convenience. Their Smoothies arrive ready-to-drink, and their soups and grain bowls just require a few minutes in the microwave. Splendid Spoon will keep you fuller for longer due to their larger portions – their bowls are 12oz, and their smoothies are 16 oz.

Their smoothies feature ingredients such as acai (strengthens immunity and boosts energy), spirulina (jumpstarts endurance), and baobab (great for your skin!). Plus, their site is very easy to navigate and could have all of the information you could possibly want.

Their product offering also contains everything you could possibly need to keep your healthy eating on track. In addition to soups and smoothies, Splendid Spoon also offers grain bowls, Wellness Shots that give you a hit of immune-boosting ingredients like ginger and lemon, and something called "The Reset" - 5 light soups designed to restore your digestive system.

Splendid Spoon really has mastered the balance between texture and taste. Customers love the Kabocha Congee and their Mexican Tomato Bowl, and the reviews on their site speak for themselves.

Splendid Spoon Sale
Ready-To-Eat Vegan & Vegetarian Meals
Delivered To Your Door
Splendid Spoon Fall Sale: $100 Off

Daily Harvest Overview

Daily Harvest has a great product offering of items like grain bowls and flatbreads, but their smoothies must be blended, and meals can take up to 5 minutes to prepare.

Daily Harvest's bowls are between 8.5-11.5oz each, so their portions are a little on the smaller side. Although Daily Harvest's flavors are nice, their smoothies are a little on the thin side.

They have an impressive variety of recipes, such as the Kale + Kalamata Harvest Bowl and Green Chickpea + Turmeric Soup.

Final Notes

Whether you're a vegan, vegetarian, or carnivore, everyone can benefit from eating a wide variety of superfoods and reducing their intake of animal products. There are zero downsides to sticking to a plant-based diet, even if it's only for a portion of your week. You can't beat the convenience of having meals that are ready to eat, delivered right to your doorstep. Both services deliver just that, but if you're looking for value for money, a bigger range of nutritional benefits, bigger portions, and less sugar content,Splendid Spoon is the right option.

Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest meals start at around $8 each, but considering their smoothies are 2 portions each, and the ingredients list contains such an amazing range of superfoods, we think that Splendid Spoon is the best option for those wanting to add more plant-based wellness into their day

For A Limited Time, Follow This Link To Save On Splendid Spoon!

Recently, a lot of people are trying out vegan diets, even people who would have laughed at the thought of trying it a few years ago. It's become more than just a trend, but an aspirational lifestyle change.

This is not just because of the many health and environmental benefits, but also because it's become more accessible for people to cut meat out, thanks to plant-based meal delivery services.

We've looked into it, and we discovered that the two most popular plant-based delivery services are Splendid Spoon and Revive Superfoods.

Our editors tried both to find out which was the ultimate vegan, superfood meal delivery service, here's what we found:

Key Similarities

  • Both are plant-based food delivery services
  • Both deliver foods right to your doorstep
  • Both have meals that contain lots of superfoods
  • Both offer smoothies, soups, and meals
  • Both are preservative-free
  • Both meals are heated in a microwave

Key Differences

  • Splendid Spoon smoothies arrive ready to drink, Revive's smoothies have to be blended
  • Splendid Spoon offers 60 meals altogether, Revive offers only 29 meals
  • Splendid Spoon offers extra Wellness Shots, Revive offers no extras
  • Splendid Spoon offers Noodle bowls, Revive doesn't
Splendid Spoon Overview

Splendid Spoon has 3 different plans, a Breakfast plan; a Breakfast, Lunch + 1-Day Soup Reset plan; and a Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner + 1-Day Soup Reset plan.

I signed up for the weekly Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner + 1 Day Reset, which means I get 5 smoothies, 5 soup & grain bowls, 5 noodles, and 5 light soups. I chose the meals I wanted, which was tough because there are 60 delicious and nutritious meals to choose from.

Looking at the ingredients, they were all packed with superfoods, some of which I'd never even heard of! (That's how I know it's healthy.) The delivery arrived in a few days and I placed all the meals in my fridge knowing that they would be good for a week.

I started the week off with the Raspberry Cacao Smoothie which was delicious and curbed my morning sweet tooth. I just grabbed it from the fridge, it came ready to drink, so no prep was needed. I was surprised at how filling it was. The Red Beet Buddha Bowl for lunch was delicious, it only needed a few minutes in the microwave, and it was ready.

The Creamy Butternut Squash Noodles for dinner were so tasty, I had to remind myself that I was eating healthy food! Overall the meals were all very satisfying, and the convenience of zero prep made eating plant-based meals a breeze. Some of my other fave meals were the Strawberry Goji smoothie, the Red Curry Noodles, and the Vegetable Bolognese Bowl, to name a few.

Revive Superfoods Overview

Revive Superfoods offer three plans; 9 cups a week, 12 cups a week, or 24 cups a week. I went with the 24 cups a week plan and selected the cups (meals) I wanted.

Again, for breakfast I choose smoothies. For lunch and dinner, I chose from their "Supermeals" (similar to Splendid Spoons grain bowls) and soups. They offer a wide selection of smoothies (16) but between their Super meals and soups there are only 9 cups, so I ended up adding the Artisan Bean & Tomato soup twice.

The box arrived in a few days and I was excited to see if it measured up to Splendid Spoon's deliciousness. First up I had the Heart Beet smoothie, the cup came with all the ingredients, which I had to blend in the blender myself. It was yummy and kept me satisfied for a while.

For lunch, I had the Carrot Ginger soup which was really good, then I had the Cauliflower Couscous SuperMeal for dinner. I'll be honest, at the end of the first day I was left a bit unsatisfied. Their SuperMeals and soups are perfect lunches, but for dinner, I crave something more substantial.

I continued for the rest of the week and found myself switching back to my old sugary cereal for breakfast because I didn't have the energy to make the smoothie and wash the blender afterward (I'm not a morning person).

Final Thoughts

At the end of trying both Splendid Spoon and Revive Superfoods, I'm sticking with Splendid Spoon.

If I'm going to be adding plant-based meals into my diet, it needs to be as easy and substantial as possible. In the morning I barely have the energy to get dressed, so blending the Revive smoothies and then washing the blender feels like a hassle (yes I am that lazy in the mornings). Drinking my Splendid Spoon smoothies as soon as I take them out of the fridge is the perfect way to start my day.

Splendid Spoon offers 15 smoothies, 30-grain bowls and soups, 8 noodle bowls, and 7 reset soups to choose from. Revive offers 16 smoothies, 6 SuperMeals (grain bowls), and 3 soups. I can see myself getting sick of having the same grain bowls and soups every week with Revive. Variety is important to me, and Splendid Spoon is constantly adding new meals to their menu so I'll never get bored.

Lastly, as I mentioned, Revive's meals fall short of what I feel are appropriate for dinnertime (I find myself needing a midnight snack or dessert). Splendid Spoons noodle bowls are wholesome and very satisfying dinners, I could see myself eating plant-based meals all week with Splendid Spoon. Plus I felt satisfied and energized all day every day.

Splendid Spoons plans are completely flexible, you can pause or cancel at any time. If you're looking for an easy way to eat more healthy and plant-based meals, check out Splendid Spoon.

Save On 3 Boxes of Splendid Spoon Today!