Culture Feature

​The US Is Fighting a Disinformation War — and Losing

A report declassified by the National Intelligence Council last month explains exactly how foreign powers tried to influence Americans during the 2020 election. Spoiler alert: Things don't look good.

Russian Hacker

Dmitry Nogaev | Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

The report, titled Foreign Threats to the US 2020 Federal Election, was compiled with help from every corner of the intelligence community.

The CIA, FBI, INR, NSA, DHS, NIC, and the Treasury Department were all involved in its preparation. The bombshell report has the weight of the entirety of US intelligence behind it – and it reveals a lot.

WYFFThe National Intelligence Council AssessmentWYFF NBC 4


First, the good news: They found no evidence that any foreign power directly interfered in our election infrastructure. That means they believe that there were no successful cyber attacks on the technical aspects of the election, including voter registration, casting and counting ballots, or reporting results. The results of the election are completely secure.

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Culture Feature

4 Ways This Inauguration Will Be Different From Any Other

An unprecedented inauguration for unprecedented times.

After a mob attacked the Capitol on January 6th and over 400,000 U.S. deaths as a result of the pandemic, this year's inauguration is going to look a little different.
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Culture Feature

Donald Trump is Not a "Small Government" President

Donald Trump is not a real Republican, he is a big government, big-spending Nationalist.

Donald Trump

Shutterstock, Evan Al-Amin

The Republican Party has always been the party associated with smaller government and more freedom.

True Republicans think that the majority of governing should happen at the local level and big government has no place in America. Unfortunately, Trump doesn't seem to feel the same. Donald Trump is a big spending nationalist.

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Culture Feature

Donald Trump Doesn't Care About Republicans' "Family Values"

The party of family values has chosen a candidate without family values.

Donald Trump in 2003 with Victoria Silvstedt, 1997 playmate of the year, left, and his future wife, Melania Knauss, at a Playboy event.

Richard Corkery/NY Daily News Archive, via Getty Images

The Republican party has always been the party of strong family values.

Republicans have long championed the idea that families must be built with a strong moral compass at their heart. They must be built on strong marriages and good parenting. They must be built on trust. Donald Trump is an embarrassment to the party of traditional family values. Here's why.

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Culture Feature

Mass Hysterectomies at Immigrant Detention Center? Here Are the Facts.

Whistleblower files official complaint on disturbing conditions at Georgia detention center.

Photo by: Metin Ozer / Unsplash

A whistleblower who worked as a nurse at a US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention center in Georgia has come forward with a claim that immigrants are facing serious medical neglect in regard to the COVID-19 pandemic—as well as an unusually high rate of hysterectomies.

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Culture Feature

7 Reasons You Shouldn't Vote for Kanye West for President

A vote for Kanye is a vote for the spoiler effect.

Kanye West attends the Manus x Machina Fashion in an Age of Technology Costume Institute Gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

By Ovidiu Hrubaru via Shutterstock

When Kanye West announced he was running for president on July 4th 2020, most people thought it was just a joke or maybe a publicity stunt.

But he will now officially appear on the ballot in Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri and is making an effort to appear on several other states' ballots. However, that doesn't mean you should consider him to be a viable candidate, and here's why:

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