Getting My Kids Into A Nighttime Routine Was The Best Thing I Ever Did For All Of Us

woman asleep with hatch restore

The only thing worse than being exhausted is when both my teenagers are also exhausted. Finding the right nighttime rhythm for them has been an uphill battle since they both started going to school.

Between video games, movies, YouTube, and whatever else highschoolers do on their screens between 11:00 and midnight, I was in a constant tug-of-war between making sure they're getting enough sleep to feel energized in the morning, and worrying that all their screen time was melting their brain.

I've tried everything from new alarm clocks, changing bedtimes (which also meant changing dinner times), taking screens away -- I even offered my oldest $20 to see if he could get up on time for a single week straight. I was desperate for a realistic change, but felt like I needed a miracle to change their habits.

My sister told me about the Hatch Restore, which is a sunrise alarm clock that features a library of sleep sounds, meditations, and stories that build healthy sleep habits, but I was hesitant to keep throwing money at the problem.

After reading testimonials about how Hatch is more than just an alarm clock, but facilitates nightime routines, I took the plunge and bought one for each of my kids (and with a 60-day money back guarantee, I figured I had nothing to lose).

Hatch Restore
Smart Sleep Assistant
A Game-Changer For Restless Nights & Early Mornings

Shop Now

Once they came in the mail, we plugged them in, downloaded the app, and then I let the kids do the rest. Each one was able to personalize how they wanted to go to sleep, whether they wanted to meditate, read, or just wind down with some of their guided content and stories.

Each one also got to choose from a huge selection of colors for their light. My youngest opted for a purple, while my oldest chose for the green to wind him down.

I did my best to keep a distance and let them customize their sleep choices, but every now and then I would peek over their shoulder and was shocked at how in-depth Hatchgoes to really understand where the problem lies.

I hoped for the best, but expected the worst as my kids came down the next morning for breakfast. I was genuinely surprised when my youngest started telling me about how much she loved her 'peachy glow light' that woke her up this morning, and my oldest nodded along saying he didn't even get to the end of his routine because he fell asleep so fast. Every time I pass by their rooms, I catch a glimpse of the sleek little alarm clock that has truly saved me so much energy and given my kids all of theirs back.

Little did I know Hatch Restore would turn out to be that realistic change and miracle I thought I needed. My kids have started to wake up feeling more and more refreshed thanks to the sunrise alarm-light, and their late night video games have now turned into, well, after-dinner video games.

Like literal clockwork, as soon as 10:00 rolls around, I can finally put my feet up and let Hatch Restore take them to Rains in Washington D.C., and take over their nighttime routine.

Help get back into the early morning routine with Hatch Restore. Follow this link for free 2 day shipping with purchase!

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